Beautiful Hutschenreuther German Hand Painted Porcelain Plaque of a Maiden from the 19th Century

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Beautiful German hutschenreuther hand painted plaque portrait of a maiden signed, Wagner, the finest KPM artist.

The plaque measures 4” x 6”, with the frame measures 9.5” x 11.5” and is dated between 1857 - 1899.

It is in fine condition, having an impressed Hutschenreuther CMHR mark in a circle on the top left back, bottom side up with the number 10_(not sure of the third number), which was used between 1857-1899.

It also comes with a note stating that it was a wedding present in 1904.  It is signed Wagner on the lower right.

Dresden KPM Hand Painted Porcelain Plaque Artist Signed L Sturm - Circa 1881
Hand Painted Portrait of a Woman on Slate in the Manner of Quality of Wagner - Circa 1876
French Champleve and Onyx Hand Painted on Porcelain Plaque, The Last Supper - Circa 1880
Early Palissy Majolica Lobster Wall Plaque - Circa 1900
Beautiful Bronze Plaque of Lord Byron